2-5 , 60-90 , |
| Mac Gerdts |
| Marina Fahrenbach Mac Gerdts |
| PD-Verlag |
| 2017-08-17 |
| Adrian Kügel (ak15) |
Boardgamegeek | 66589 |
| 3,08/5 |
If you are reading these rules for the first time, ignore the text along the right hand side. These rules serve as a summary to help you quickly familiarize yourself with the game.
→ summary only
→ detailed version only
→ both summary and detailed version

→ Original rules (pdf)
In the 15th century, the Portuguese Prince Henry the Navigator (Henrique o Navegador)
summoned the best cartographers and navigators of his time and instructed them to explore the
shores of the African coastline.
They thereby won expertise in navigation and shipbuilding, heralding the Age of Exploration
and enabling Portugal to later find a direct trade route to India and China. In the height of
its power Portugal controlled the sea trade from Brazil to Japan and attained overwhelming wealth
with the trade monopoly on spices.
Game Components
1 game board
1 Navegador card
2 markers for double loss of ships
70 coins (30 x 10, 14 x 50, 12 x 100 and 14 x 200 Cruzados)
1 game rules
1 quick intro
1 almanac of historical persons
104 Wooden Pieces
36 ships (7 each per red, green, yellow, blue,
and black player, 1 orange Navegador ship)
5 workers (red, green, yellow, blue, and
5 game stones
(red, green, yellow, blue, and black)
12 wooden disks (teal)
10 churches (grey)
10 shipyards (brown)
23 factories (6 white, 6 yellow, 6 brown,
5 orange huts)
3 price markers (1 white, 1 yellow, and 1
brown cube)
33 colony tokens
9 sugar colonies
11 gold colonies
13 spice colonies
The colony tokens
above are face down,
here a colony token
is demonstrated face
35 privilege tokens
6 colony privileges
6 factory privileges
6 explorer privileges
6 shipyard privileges
6 church privilege
5 king's privileges
Setting up the game is described in detail in the quick intro (download: www.pd-verlag.de/navegador).
This is a short summary:
1. Market
In the fourth row from the top, cubes marking the prices for sugar, gold and spices are placed.
2. Players
Each player starts with 2 ships of his color in Portugal, places his worker in Lisboa inside the column showing “3“,
and his game stone onto the middle of the rondel. In addition everyone receives 200 Cruzados, a King‘s privilege, the other five
ships into his supply, and a player sheet which is equipped with 1 factory (orange), 1 shipyard (brown) and 1 church (grey).
3. Colonies
Each region receives a hidden stack of randomly shuffled colony tokens.
4. Privileges
One privilege of each type is put inside each arch of the gallery.
5. Dangerous sea regions
In Nagasaki (with 2 and 3 players in Macau as well) a token for the extra loss of ships is placed.
6. Explorers
Each sea region except Portugal receives a teal round wooden disk.
7. Buildings
In the lower right corner of the game board the buildings are placed: Inside the upper
three lines 6 factories each for sugar, gold, and spices, and inside the lower 2 lines the
remaining shipyards and churches from left to right (with more than 2 players, the most
expensive fields are left free).
Players represent wealthy trade dynasties
which take part in building up the
Portuguese colonial empire. The first aim
is to explore the unknown sea regions. The
player who first enters such a region is
rewarded with an explorer and a premium
of cash, but also has to sacrifice one ship.
Along with a player’s other achievements
(colonies, factories, shipyards, churches),
the explorers count for victory points at the
end of the game. Colonies are an important
economic factor as their goods can be sold
on the market. Factories are an alternative
source of income, because they generate
profits when processing goods taken from
the market.

With their shipyards
players build new ships,
and with their churches
they recruit new workers.
Ownership of workers is
necessary to found new
colonies or to erect new
buildings. A worker must
be paid in order to acquire
privileges. Privileges
augment the victory points
(VPs) which can be earned
in five categories. On the
player‘s sheet, the basic VPs for each
category are shown on the first line, and
the privileges are placed in the lines below.
The situation depicted
aside would mean that
the player gains 1 VP per
colony, 2 VPs per factory,
5 VPs per explorer, 7 VPs
per shipyard, and 3 VPs
per church. In addition,
each worker, ship, and full
amount of 200 Cruzados
earns one extra VP.
End of game:
After the last sea region
has been explored, or the last building
has been taken, one final round of turns is
executed. The player with the most victory
points wins the game.
The money of the bank is not limited.
Should in rare cases the bank run out of
money, the King‘s Privilege could be used
as a substitute: A player places his King‘s
Privilege onto one of his coins and pays ten
times of its value into the bank. This token
now has the value paid to the bank.
Players are not allowed to lend money
neither from one to another nor from the
bank. The player‘s money is kept open so
that other players may look at it anytime
they wish.
Action Selection
The players execute one turn after another in clockwise
seating order. They choose an action on the rondel.
The next fields ahead of the current position of the game stone
can be chosen free of charge, for each additional step on the
rondel one own ship needs to be taken from the game board.
The players execute one turn after another in clockwise
seating order. A turn is chosen by placing the octagonal
game stone on the circular rondel depicted here, and
performing the indicated action.
In the first turn the position on the rondel is
chosen freely. On each following turn, the game
stone moves forward on the rondel in clockwise
direction. When moving forward, any of the
next three fields ahead can be chosen free
of charge. If the game stone moves further
than three fields, each additional field has to
be paid for with 1 of the player’s ships, which is
taken from any position on the game board back
into the player’s personal supply. It is not allowed
to stay in the same field twice in a row; executing
the same action on two consecutive turns would require
moving forward 8 fields, and paying 5 ships.
game stones in the same position on the rondel
do not affect each other.
The game stone is on “Sailing” and could
move from here to “Workers”, “Market”,
or “Colony” without cost. In order to enter
“Privilege” the player would have to take
back 1 ship, to enter “Ships” 2 ships etc.
At start
The game runs in three phases
( phase explanation).
The player sitting to the right of the start player
receives the playing card Navegador.
This card allows to take an additional sailing
action and is passed to the player
sitting to the right after usage.
In the first round the Navegador card cannot be used.
The game runs in three phases and starts
at phase I. Phases II and III are triggered
after the sea regions of Cabo da Boa
Esperanca or Malaca have been explored.
The borderline to these regions has a red
color instead of blue. A detailed description
can be found
After the starting player has
been drawn by lot, the last player
(sitting to the right of the starting
player) receives the playing card
“Navegador”. This card allows
for combining any turn with an
additional sailing action. When
used, the card is then passed to
the player’s right. In the very first
round, however, the Navegador
card cannot be used. A detailed
description can be found
Player's Actions
There are 7 different actions which can be chosen on the rondel
(“Market“ exists twice):
For each own church one worker can be bought for 50 Cruzados each.
Additional workers cost X * 100 Cruzados, where X is the current
game phase. Each worker above 9 workers is then sold for 100
Cruzados each.
The player may recruit one new worker per church owned for
the price of 50 Cruzados each. Additional workers each cost 100
Cruzados per game phase (for instance 300 Cr. in phase III). The
new number of workers is tracked on the chart at Lisboa and the
costs are paid to the bank. The minimum possible number of workers
is 2, the maximum is 9.
If a player already has 9 workers in Lisboa, he cannot receive more.
In this case his churches may recruit virtual workers for 50 Cr. each,
which are sold instantly to the bank for 100 Cr. each, resulting in
a net gain of 50 Cr. per worker. It is necessary however to pay 50
Cruzados per worker in church beforehand.
Example recruit workers:
A player with 2 churches may recruit up
to 2 new workers for 50 Cr. each. For
2 workers he pays 100 Cr. to the bank
and moves with his marker in Lisboa 2
positions to the right. If he wants 3 new
workers in game phase II, he would
have to pay 300 Cruzados (2x50+200).
Example more than 9 workers:
A player owns 8 workers and 3 churches, he pays 150 Cruzados
for 3 workers. His worker in Lisboa moves to column “9”. For
the remaining 2 new workers he receives 200 Cruzados out of
the bank.
For each own shipyard one ship can be bought for 50 Cruzados each.
Additional ships cost X * 100 Cruzados, where X is the current
game phase. Each ship above 7 ships is then sold for 100
Cruzados each.
For ships the same prices are applied as for workers. The player
may build as many ships as he has shipyards for 50 Cruzados each.
Additional ships each cost 100 Cruzados per game phase paid to
the bank (100 in phase I, 200 in phase II, 300 in phase III). All new
ships are placed in the sea region of Portugal.
If a player already has all his 7 ships on the game board, he cannot
receive more. Additional ships produced with shipyards are sold instantly to
the bank for 100 Cruzados each, after having paid 50 per ship
Example building ships:
A player with 3 shipyards wants
to build 4 ships. The game is in
Phase I. He pays 250 Cruzados
(3x50+100) to the bank and
places 4 ships in Portugal.
Each ship can sail up to X steps, where X is the current phase.
If a region with explorer marker is entered, the ship movement
ends there and a second (sometimes even a third) ship needs to
be moved there. When exploring such a region, 1 (or 2) ships are lost.
The colony tokens will be revealed and the player receives as much
money as the price of the cheapest revealed colony. Also, the player
receives the explorer disk. During one action "Sailing" only one region
can be explored.
The player may sail with all his ships into another sea region.
In game phase I a ship can cross only one border (blue or red) in
order to enter an adjacent region. In phase II it may cross up to two
and in phase III up to three borders during a single turn.
Several ships in the same region, regardless of their owner, do not
affect each other.
Unknown waters containing an explorer (round
wooden disk) cannot be entered by a single ship. A
minimum of 2 ships is required to enter that region
simultaneously, otherwise that region cannot be
entered. One of those ships is lost in the unknown
waters. At least one other ship has to remain in the newly discovered
region, even if it still should have the possibility to sail.
When exploring the player
takes one of the exploring ships back into the personal supply,
places the explorer disk from the board on his player sheet,
reveals the colony tokens from the corresponding stack, and
receives a bonus from the bank, amounting to the price for the
cheapest revealed colony.
The newly revealed colony tokens are displayed face up at the
region. It is not possible to explore more than one new sea region
per turn.
When exploring sea regions marked with the token for double loss
of ships (Nagasaki and maybe Macau), the player has to take back
2 ships instead of 1 into his supply. Accordingly, he needs at least
3 ships to enter that region.
Example Explorer:
Red sails from Guiné
and Rio de Janeiro into
the hitherto unknown
sea region of Angola.
He loses 1 ship, takes
the explorer disk on his
player sheet, and
reveals the colonies
stacked in Angola. As
the cheapest colony in Angola would
cost 70 Cruzados, he is paid a bonus of
70 Cruzados out of the bank.
Colonies can be bought for the displayed price, if for
each colony bought there is one own ship in the region
and two workers can be assigned.
The player may found one or more new colonies. He pays the prices
printed on the colony tokens to the bank and takes the respective
tokens into his personal supply. In addition the player has to meet
two requirements per new colony:
at least one own ship in the same region,
and two workers in Lisboa.
It does not cost ships or workers to found colonies, but every ship
and worker can be used only once per turn. For instance, to found
2 colonies in one region at the same time, the player has to be
present with at least 2 ships in that very region, and has to own at least
4 workers in Lisboa.
The prices for colonies are as follows:
Sugar (white): from 40 to 120 Cruzados,
Gold (yellow): from 50 to 150 Cruzados,
Spices (brown): from 60 to 180 Cruzados.
If a player has the choice, he will always found the cheapest colony,
because apart from their price colonies of the same type do not differ.
Example found colonies
Red has 6
workers, 2 ships
in Bahia, and 1
ship in Guiné.
He can found
only 2 colonies,
one in Guiné (80
Cruzados) and
one in Bahia
(100 Cruzados).
He pays 180
Cruzados to the
bank and takes
both colony
tokens in his supply. If he had 2 ships in Guiné, he would be able
to found 3 colonies if he could afford them. He cannot found
colonies in Rio de Janeiro because he has no ship there. If he
had only 3 workers, he could found only 1 colony, because every
new colony requires the ownership of 2 workers.
The player can buy buildings for the displayed price.
Each factory also requires 3 workers, each shipyard
4 workers and each church 5 workers. Those workers
are not lost.
The player may build new factories, shipyards, and churches. He
pays the respective prices printed at the chart to the bank and places
the new buildings on his player sheet. In addition he needs
3 workers per new factory,
4 workers per new shipyard,
5 workers per new church.
His number of workers has to be sufficient for all new buildings
together. The number of workers in Lisboa remains unchanged, as
it does not cost workers to build.
Example buildings
The player has 7
workers and the
available buildings
are depicted above.
The player could
for instance build
1 gold factory and
1 shipyard; in this
case he would pay
220 Cruzados to the
bank (70+150). He could as well build 2 gold factories, or 1
gold and 1 spice factory, paying in both cases 170 Cruzados.
But as he has only 7 workers, he could not build 2 shipyards
(4+4=8). If he wanted to build a church, he could not build a
second building at the same time.
For every type of goods a player can either sell goods with
his colonies, or process goods with his factories. When selling
goods, for each unit sold the player receives the current market
price indicated by the price marker in that color. After selling the
price marker is moved as many steps downward. When processing goods,
for each unit processed the player receives the price indicated in
the rightmost column. After processing, the marker is moved as many
steps upward. The starting factory is a joker and can process
any type of goods that is not sold in this round.
The player may sell goods with his colonies and take goods from the
market to process them with his factories. The number of colonies
and factories remains unchanged when selling or processing goods.
Selling goods with colonies
For each colony 1 respective unit of goods may be sold on the
market. For each unit sold the player receives its current price on
the market. After that, the price marker moves down as many fields
on the market as units have been sold. If the price marker reaches
the bottom line it simply stays there, but further sales of units are
still possible.
Processing goods with factories
For each factory 1 respective unit of goods may be processed. White
factories process sugar, yellow factories gold, and brown factories
process spices. The starting factory (orange) works as a wildcard
and can be used to process 1 unit of any type. All units
to be processed are taken from the market, therefore it is not
necessary to own colonies of the same type.
For each processed unit the player receives income from
the bank amounting to as many Cruzados as are shown inside the red
(rightmost) column corresponding to the price marker’s current position.
After receiving the total
income, the price marker moves a number of fields up equal
to the number of units that have been processed. If the price
marker reaches the highest line of its column it simply stays
there, but further processing of units is still possible.
Selling and processing
The decision whether to sell or to process is taken separately for
every type of goods. It is possible to sell one type and process the
other, but it is not possible to process and sell goods of the same type
at the same time. Of course players may decide to sell or process
only a subset of the possible units, in order to influence the prices
on the market for their future plans.
Example selling goods with colonies
The player owns 3 gold colonies and sells at the depicted
price of 50 Cruzados (although the current price is
covered by the marker, it still can be read because every
number occurs twice). He receives 150 Cruzados (3x50)
out of the bank and the price marker moves down onto the
upper “30”. If the player would sell from 5 gold colonies,
he would receive 250 Cruzados and the marker would
reach the bottom line. The next player on the market
would now receive only 30 Cruzados per sold unit of gold.
A complete market action
The player’s 3 colonies and
4 factories, along with the
current prices on the market,
are depicted. He sells 2 units
of gold for 40+40=80 and
1 unit of spices for 70
Cruzados. Gold and spices thus cannot be
processed in the same turn. Thus his gold
factory cannot be used and his orange
factory may only process sugar. He
processes 3 units of sugar receiving a
revenue of 3x30=90. The total payment from
the bank is 80+70+90=240 Cruzados. The
new prices are depicted to the right.
As an alternative, the player may process 2
units of gold with his factories for a total of
100, instead of selling gold with his colonies.
Together with 2 units of sugar processed for
60, and one unit of spices sold for 70 , he then
would earn a total of 230 Cruzados. Although
he would earn 10 Cruzados less now, there
may be a chance to sell his gold for a better
price later on.
Privileges increase the multiplier for one of the
point categories colonies, factories, explorers, shipyards or
churches. Additionally the player receives a one-time bonus that
depends on how many such privileges and items of the category
the player already owns. The player choose one of the available
categories, and pays one worker. It is not allowed to have
less than 2 workers, and a player can have no more than
3 privileges in each category.
On top of the game board is a gallery with five different historic
persons, whose privileges give a cash bonus at once and victory
points (VPs) at the end of the game.
The player loses 1 worker in Lisboa and chooses one privilege
currently available on the game board in return. The privileges
reward the possession of (from left to right) colonies, factories,
explorers, shipyards, and churches.
On every turn, no more than only one privilege token can be
taken. The privilege is placed onto his player sheet in the highest
possible position of the appropriate column showing a bonus, which
decreases with every additional privilege. The newly covered bonus
is multiplied with the number of respective achievements (colonies,
factories, explorers, shipyards, churches) and the result is paid to
the player from the bank.
Each player can take no more than 3 privileges per type during the
game. If a player has only 2 workers, he cannot take a privilege
either, because players must always have at least two workers in
Example taking a privilege
The gallery still
contains every
type of privileges.
The player pays
with 1 worker and
takes a church
privilege. As he
already owns
one privilege
of this type, the
new privilege
is placed in the
second position
from above, showing a bonus of “40”. For his 2 churches he
receives a bonus of 80 Cruzados (40+40) out of the bank. If he
had taken an explorer privilege instead, he would have received
5x20=100 Cruzados, and for a shipyard privilege 50 Cruzados.
In the first column the respective bonus would have been 30 per
colony, and in the second column 20 per factory.
Game Phases
There are 3 game phases. The game starts in phase I.
Whenever a ship crosses a red line, the next game phase starts.
A ship can sail up to X regions per turn, where X is the current phase.
Additional workers and ships cost X * 100 Cruzados each.
At the beginning of a new phase the privileges are replenished depending on the number of players.

The game starts in phase I. After the
exploration of Cabo da Boa Esperança
the game enters phase II, and after the
exploration of Malaca it
enters phase III. This is
emphasized on the game
board by red borderlines
(instead of the usual blue
ones), and by a small
diagram showing the
phase numbers which now
change. The diagram for
phase II to the right shows
that all ships may now sail up to 2 regions
per turn, and that additional workers and
ships now cost 200 Cruzados each. In
phase III all ships may sail up to 3 regions,
and additional workers and ships cost 300
Cruzados each.
The new phase comes into effect on the
next turn, therefore the old sailing distance
is still applied to all ships in a turn where a
new sea region is explored.
At the beginning of a new phase
the privileges are
replenished depending
on the number of
players. The depicted
chart on the game
board shows to which
number the privileges
are replenished.
Replenish privileges to:
Phase 2
Phase 3
Example Replenishing Privileges
In a 5 player game, the game enters
phase II because the first red borderline
has been crossed for the first time. The
chart on the game board shows in case of
5 players (last line), that in phase II all
privileges are replenished up to a total
of two. In the situation illustrated here,
the following privileges are added to the
2 x Colony, 1 x Factory, 1 x Explorer
and 1 x Church privilege.
Note that the depicted situation cannot
happen in a real game, because in Phase 1
there is always only 1 privilege of each type,
but it shows what happens if there are still
enough privileges at the end of the last phase
so that no additional privilege has to be added.
The Navegador can be used at the beginning of a player's
turn to take an extra action "Sailing". Then the Navegador
card is passed to the player sitting to the right.
The Navegador has to be played within one round on the
rondel, otherwise it expires and is passed to the player
sitting to the right.
The “Navegador“ card allows for
an extra sailing action immediately
before the player’s turn on the rondel.
After being used once, the card is
given to the player sitting to the right.
For this extra action the usual rules for
sailing are applied. In particular, the
card may be used to explore an unknown
sea region. Thus in combination with a
regular sailing turn even two explorers can
be taken before the next player makes his
turn. If using the Navegador leads to
a new game phase, the new phase
has already come into effect with the
regular turn on the rondel.
If the card is not used within one
round circling around the rondel, it
automatically expires. The round
is marked with the orange ship, which is
placed on the rondel at the current position
of the new owner at the moment when he
receives the card. If he again enters or
passes that field without using the card,
it is given to the player on his right, and
the ship on the rondel is moved to the new
owner’s current position on the rondel.
End of the game
The game ends when a player has explored Nagasaki,
or if the last building has been bought. After that
one complete round is played (i.e., the game
ends with the action of the player who has triggered
the game end).
The game end can be triggered in two ways:
- either after the sea region of Nagasaki has been explored,
- or after the last building has been taken.
After the game end has been triggered in one of those ways, each
player, including the one who triggered the end, takes a single final
turn and then the game ultimately finishes.
If a player explores
Nagasaki by use of his Navegador card, he may take his regular
turn and only after that every player, including himself, executes
his final turn.
In each point category (colonies, factories, explorers, shipyards and churches)
for each such item the player receives points (base points plus privileges).
Shipyard privileges and church privileges increase the point value of their
category by 2, all other privileges increase the point value by 1.
Additionally the king's privilege can be assigned to a category with fewer than
3 privileges. Each ship, worker and 200 Cruzados are worth 1 point each.
A possible tie is won by the player who would get the Navegador next (or still has it).
Each player uses his game stone taken from the rondel to count his final victory
points (VPs) on the scoring track running around the game board. If the player’s
score exceeds 100 VPs, a player’s ship is placed at the scoring track,
marking 100 VPs. The player with the most VPs wins the game. A possible tie is
won by the player who currently holds the Navegador or, if not the case, who is
the next player who would receive him.
Victory Points (VPs):
Each player receives 1 VP per his worker in Lisboa, ship on the game board and
full amount of 200 Cruzados cash.
After that the player sheets are evaluated. Each sum inside the 5 columns, where
the numbers already printed on the player sheet are counted as well, is multiplied
with the number of the corresponding achievements. In the situation shown here,
every colony counts as 4 VPs, every factory
as 2 VPs, every explorer as 5 VPs, every
shipyard as 7 VPs, and every church as 5
Before calculating the final results, each
player places his King’s privilege
on a free position inside his player
sheet, but without receiving the
related cash bonus. The King’s
privilege counts as a privilege of the chosen
type: 2 VPs per shipyard or church, or 1 VP
inside one of the other 3 columns.
In this variant the King‘s Privilege has to be
acquired in the course of the game, otherwise it
will expire. One King‘s Privilege per player is
placed onto the game board near Goa, the
capital of the Portuguese Colonial Empire.
When choosing the action „Privilege“, the
player may take his King‘s Privilege instead
of another one available at the gallery, but
only if he has a ship at Goa at the same
time. For his King‘s Privilege the player
does not have to pay a worker. But like
any other privilege, it is immediately placed
onto his player sheet on a free position and
gives the respective cash bonus. A player
may take no more than 1 King‘s Privilege
throughout the game.
Things which are sometimes overlooked
In order to use factories, possessions of
colonies are not required (factories take
their commodities from the market, thus
causing prices to rise)
Each type of goods can only be sold from
colonies, or processed with factories.
Ships may sail in any direction including
back to Portugal.
When exploring a new region, at least one
ship must be left in the region (mapping it
for Portugal).
When taking the „sailing“ action, only one
new region can be explored. However,
use of the Navegador is an extra action
and thus would allow the use of a second
„sailing“ action to be used to explore
another new region.
In the very first round, the Navegador
cannot be used, the player with the
Navegador card simply marks his
position on the rondel with the orange ship.
The Navegador can only be used before
the player reaches the position on the
rondel marked with the orange ship.
If a player triggers the end of the game
during his Navegador action by sailing
to Nagasaki, the player completes the
Navegador turn, as well as the regular
turn and then everyone gets one more
turn, including the player who triggered
the end of the game.
A player is not required to take any
actions on the rondel when they land
on the space. For example a player
could land on Privilege and not take any
At the beginning of each new game
phase, the privileges are only refilled to
the number depicted on the game board
(based on the number of players). In
other words, if the refill number is 3 and
1 privilege is still left from the previous
phase, only 2 privileges would be added
to bring the total to the refill number of 3.
Workers and Ships
When reaching more than 9 workers
or 7 ships while recruiting them, the
surplus can only be sold to the bank for
100 Cruzados each, when it has been
paid before with 50 Cruzados each to the
About the development of Navegador
Visiting LeiriaCon in Portugal in January 2009, I
decided to create a game about the Golden Age
of Portugal. After some playtests in Hamburg and
with the Brettspielbären from Berlin, a prototype
was presented at LeiriaCon 2010 that met with
great enthusiasm. From then on, a lot of tireless
playtesters contributed to the adjustments and
changes which still had to be made. Just to name
a few, my special thanks go to Stephan Borowski,
Jens Külpmann, Ann-Christin Dähnke, Lars
Brügging, Rüdiger Kuntze, Holger Gentemann,
Michael Lopez, and the players from the Rieckhof
cultural center. In Portugal, Paulo Soledade
tested with his friends, and in the United States it
was Mark Bigney. Without the great help of Mark
an English edition of Navegador could not have
been realized. In addition, presenting Navegador
at the Herner Spielewahnsinn, Hamburger
Spieletage, Heidelberger Spielevent on castle
Stahleck, and at the game nights with Pete in
Jork helped immensely to improve the game.
At the same time I decided to contribute to the
graphic design, which additionally cost me many
nights of hard work. Without the professional
help and good ideas of Marina Fahrenbach this
would have been in vain. Peter Doersam, who
was playtester, editor and publisher at the same
time, was engaged as ever doing his level best.
For my wife Kathia and our 4 years old Johann
this was a hard time, but both were backing me
by sharing my enthusiasm.
Mac Gerdts
Hints for handling
Action selection
The default configuration allows you to choose
actions by clicking on the corresponding section
on the rondel. Sections which are highlighted in
green can be chosen without costs, sections which
are highlighted in red cost at least 1 ship.
If you can choose the Navegador, the Navegador
image is displayed in the center of the rondel.
If you click on the image, you can execute the
extra Sailing action.
If you prefer to choose your actions via a popup
dialog, you can configure that in the side panel
(click there on the heart icon) and choose
"Action selection via dialog".
On the market the potential final marker positions
resulting from the market action are shown with a blue
border. This final position usually indicates how many
units of the type of goods are sold or processed. If the price
marker is moved to the topmost position (or if it is
already there) it is assumed that the player wants to
process as many such goods as possible. If the price
marker is moved to the bottommost position, it is assumed
that the player wants to sell as many such goods as possible.
Below the market the current earnings are shown based on the
selected new positions of the price markers.
Clicking on the "Trade" button in the lower right corner
of the window performs the trade.
There is one edge case when the price marker is moved
to the topmost position or if it is already there:
It is not possible to tell if the user also wants to use
his orange factory for that type of goods. If the orange
factory is not explicitly used for any other type of goods,
it will be automatically used for one type of goods for which the
price marker is in the topmost position. This is already included
in the calculated earnings shown below the market, but not
included in the calculation that is shown when you move your
mouse over the topmost position.
Above the available privileges the bonus is shown that the player
would receive in case he takes the privilege below. In the player
info the current points per item in the point categories is shown.
Each privilege taken increases the multiplier by 1 (or 2 in case of
shipyard or church privileges). The king's privilege is automatically
assigned when the game ends in such a way as to maximize the final
points of the player.
When playing with the variant "King's privilege in Goa", the King's
privilege is shown in the player info in case it has not been "collected"
yet. If the player has a choice to take this privilege, a blue border
will appear and it becomes clickable.
When performing the action "Sailing", first click on the region
where a ship should depart, and then choose the final destination
for the ship. If the final destination is an unexplored region, you
will be asked to choose another region from which a ship should
sail to that same destination, because you need to have at least
2 ships when sailing into an unexplored region.
If this choice is unique, it will be done automatically.
To reveal the colonies in the unexplored region, you have to
click on the explorer disk. This action cannot be taken back, and
therefore is never executed automatically.
Player info
When playing with many players, it might make sense to switch the display
to show only one player info at a time. This can be done by clicking
on the heart icon in the side panel, and then choosing "Tabbed view".
Alternatively (if you don't want to change the setting for all your Navegador games)
you can click on the tab symbol in the title bar.
In the player info you can see in the upper right your current points.
The number in parentheses is the number of points including the points
for workers, ships, money and the king's privilege.
In the row below you can see the number of Cruzados, ships and explorers
of a player. Also the Navegador card can be seen in case the player currently has it.
In the third row the three types of colonies of a player are shown. Since
only the number of colonies of a type are relevant, you can't see the prices
at which the individual colonies have been bought. After the colonies, you
can see what the currently optimal assignment of the king's privilege is.
In the fourth row you can see the buildings of a player, first the factories
of the three types of goods, then the joker start factory, then the shipyards
and the churches.
In the last row the current multipliers for the point categories are listed.
The starting values are:
1x (colonies), 2x (factories), 4x (explorers), 3x (shipyards), 3x (churches).
When clicking on a privilege image, you can see those starting values,
as well as the number of privileges of that type, how many items of this
point category the player owns, and what the next bonus payment would be
when the player collects another such privilege.
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